Trust in the Lord: A Look Into Isaiah 25

Hey everybody!

Lately I have not been posting very much due to, honestly, just writers block. I love to write more than anything, but recently life has been very hectic and I haven't had much inspiration to write anything. A few weeks back I decided to quit my job in food delivery so that I could have a steadier income for a new car and other things. I was so anxious to quit because I didn't know where I would go next and how long it would take to find another opportunity. But, God! I have already found another job that is bigger and better than I could have ever imagined. I am now working in the loveliest baby boutique you've ever seen. My work life is now full of onesies, little smock dresses and worship music playing in the background and I couldn't be happier! It is very calm and non-stressful which is really what I need in my life right now (doesn't everyone?) and I am so incredibly thankful for what God has given me. Now that I have this job I can go back to my hunt for a car and I'm hoping to have one within the next couple of weeks. Then I believe life will be just about perfect! So thank you to all of my precious friends who have prayed with me in my frustrating season of waiting. I am so grateful it is almost completely over.

Alright, now onto the good stuff. Today is a cloudy Sunday and I am curled up alone in the house. I really wanted to take this peaceful afternoon to write a bit about something that has really been on my heart in this past season, and that is simply trusting the Lord.

Isaiah is an amazing book to read if you need encouragement on this topic. A few days back (last Tuesday, to be exact) I was studying the 25 chapter and my word that is some good stuff. I'd love to dig into it today. I fully recommend that you read the entire chapter before reading this post (if you don't have a Bible on hand, it's Googleable!) because I'm just going to highlight my favorite verses.

Isaiah 25:1 "Yahweh, you are my God; I will exalt You. I will praise Your Name, for You have accomplished wonders, plans formed long ago, in perfect faithfulness."

WOAH! Ok. One of my favorites things ever is when a chapter of the Bible starts off in praise. Isaiah starts off this chapter in just utter praise to God, to Yahweh. Isaiah proclaims that he is the Lord's, and he is going to praise the Lord for everything He's done and everything He is going to do. Shouldn't we all start off any prayer this way? What a simple yet amazing example. Actually, before we go any further into the blog post, let's just do as Isaiah did. Oh Lord, you are my God; my confidence rests in your goodness.

Isaiah 25:3 "Therefore, a strong people will honor You. The cities of violent nations will fear You."

Don't you just love how relevant Scripture stays? Sure, there were some things that happened in Scripture that don't happen anymore... like that woman that almost got stoned for cheating on her husband. We don't really handle some things now the same way they did then. Yet there is still so much good content in there that I just know when God inspired the authors to write it, He totally knew that it was going to still be so relevant today. I really think that this is one of those verses. God gave Isaiah the wisdom to know that eventually, everyone, even the people that seem the strongest on this earth, will eventually bow down to God. Everyone is going to honor Him. Even the most violent of cities - the cities filled with terror and destruction - will ultimately surrender to Him. Amazing, right? Relevant then, relevant now. It's not even our place to bring justice. The Lord our God has come into our mess.

Isaiah 25:4 "For You have been a stronghold for the poor, a stronghold for the needy person in his distress, a refuge from the rain, a shade from the heat. When the breath of the violent is like rain against a wall..."

You are always exactly what I need. That right there is the summary of this verse. We can go into detail forever and ever about everything He is, because what he gives us is limitless. He's a stronghold, a refuge, a shade over us. He protects us when we are violently persecuted. Again, in summary, he is always exactly what we need. Thank you God.

Isaiah 25:7-8 "On this mountain He will destroy the burial shroud, the shroud over all the peoples, the sheet covering all the nations; He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from every face and remove His people's disgrace from the whole earth, for the Lord has spoken."

Sheesh that's powerful! Jesus destroyed death forever when He died on the cross to save us from our sins. When Jesus comes back to this earth, He's going to lead us, His people, into perfect life up in heaven with Him and He's going to wipe every disgraceful, sinful thing that's taken up space on this earth and in His people's hearts. The Lord has spoken! The Lord, y'all! This is God's truth! This is it! This is our future in the faith.

So, what does this all have to do with our original topic, trusting the Lord? Well, when I'm down in the dumps and thinking that my life is going to be messy forever and all hope is lost... this is what I read. This is the truth. The Lord is going to make everything right. He is going to wipe every tear from our faces and He is going to wipe every single disgraceful thing from the earth. Then until He does, He will be our stronghold and our refuge in every situation here on this earth. So let's start off everything we do with praise, just like Isaiah!

My trust is in my Father who never changes and is always working all things together for my good and His glory. I pray that your trust can also be there. I love y'all and I am so excited to get back into the flow of writing! May God bless your week. See ya later!


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