Let's Stay Curious: Childlike Faith

Hey everyone. This blog post has taken me so long to get up because the one I have been working on I ended up deleting. It was a post of "Verses You Need to Memorize," but I just wasn't loving it and the words weren't flowing. So, here we are instead. It's currently a sunny Friday morning, and I have been studying Matthew 18. This chapter of Matthew has one verse that really has always stood out to me more than the others, and it's this one:

Matthew 18:3 "I assure you," He said, "unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

I have noticed sometimes along my walk with the Lord I can fall into the place of not being curious about Him. I think as Christians we should be continuously curious about who God is, like a child. Children ask questions about everything right? If you tell them about something exciting like God, they want to know all of the details of everything. I know I did as a child. My mama has told me before of the story of one of my first Christmases where I asked her, "Mama, why do I get all of these presents on Jesus' birthday when he only got three?" and then another time, when I asked her, "Mama, why are so many people in the Bible boys?" Apparently I needed to read more about Esther, or Ruth... I think at that point in my life I had mainly heard of people like Noah, Moses and Joseph. You get my point though, right? Children love to ask questions and learn more about God! God wants us to do the same.

I don't know about you, but I am hungry to know who He is and eager to understand what I am called to do. The more we learn about God and build our relationship with Him, the more we will be able to understand His plans for us. I know I want to understand what I am here to do! So I encourage you this coming week, as we come towards the end of February, to remember how you thought about God as a child. Or maybe if you didn't think about God as a child, put yourself in a child's place, and have that kind of curiosity about Him. Don't be afraid to ask questions and delve into Scripture to find them. It's good to be curious when it comes to God, so let's stay that way... just like a child.

I know this was a shorter blog post this time, but I really wanted to write a little on this topic today. I will see y'all very soon with hopefully a longer post and maybe some more Scripture to cover. Have a great weekend!


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